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  a paradise of nature cure on the banks of periyar river  

Weight Reduction Program 

We have a special slimming program which includes yoga, special exercise, mud bath, sun bath , wet pack, and diet. Our specialists will asses your body constitution. Metabolism rate and the underlying causes of your excess weight before prescribing a comprehensive program, supplemented with a powerful custom designed diet plan. This program  will make you to a different life style  and to the basic rules in having food.

Prakrithi Hospital adopt the most modern nature cure techniques for treating all ailments affecting body and mind. Experienced doctors, staff and homely rejuvenation atmosphere make us unique. Naturopathy and yoga  are the only system which provide health in the physical, social, mental and spiritual levels. Nature cure is based on the concept that the body is self healing. The body will repair itself and recover from illness spontaneously, if it is in a healthy environment.

Treatment methods include meditation, yoga, spinal bath, hip bath, sun bath, eye wash, nose wash, enema, wet pack, eye pack, throat wash, acupuncture  physiotherapy, diet and fasting.

Feel the healing touch

Naturopathy is a system of therapy which relies exclusively on natural remedies such as sunlight, air, water, earth and cosmic energies.
Naturopathy is a life style rather than a treatment as a drug system of healing, which utilizes the inherent healing power of human. Nature cure  is a safe, simple and a entirely natural way of treatments without any side effects.

Our Usual timetable

05.00am: Wake up
06.00am: Herbal drinks
06.45am: Yoga
08.00am: Sun bath
08.30am: Break fast

09.30am: Doctor’s round
10.00am: Treatments
11.00am: Juice time
12.30pm: Lunch
02.30pm: Treatments
04.30pm: Sun bath
05.40pm: Meditation
06.15pm: Dinner
08.00pm: Prayer, Get together
08.30pm: Awareness class
10.00pm: Lights off


Heart diseases
Menstural disorder
Kidney problems
Back ache
Thyroid problems
Eye problems
Psychological problems